Identity verification using facial recognition - next level security

Written by Geoffroy De Cooman | Jul 29, 2019 9:39:37 AM

Do you have a formal identity verification process in place? How do you know the people on your premises are exactly who they claim to be? Security is a constant balancing act where scenarios can often contradict each other. How can your organization be expected to comply with all the different regulations yet respect the privacy of your visitor and contractors?  

Our team here at Proxyclick has been grappling with these very questions right along with you. And we're excited to announce that we have some answers.

They come with the launch of our newest feature: ID Match.

What is ID Match?

ID Match is the result of months of successful beta testing by organizations like yours. 

With this new feature you can automate the identity verification process by using your visitor's government-issued ID.

Currently, 6,ooo+ forms of official IDs from the 50 US states, plus 200 countries, are supported through ID Match. The picture on the ID is compared via facial recognition technology—with the picture taken on the tablet—producing a score based on similarity.

Important to note: The score (between 0 and 100%) will only be displayed in the Dashboard. It will not be visible to your visitors or contractors. Discretion is key to everyone's safety and visitor experience.

How does ID Match work?

Once your visitor scans both sides of their picture ID and takes their kiosk selfie, the scenario can go two ways:

  1. The matching score is in the green and your visitor is granted access, or
  2. The matching score in returned in orange and your security personnel must administer next steps according to your protocol

Not only is the process fast and accurate, it's also beneficial to your bottom-line. Calculating man-power needed at each security check-point is easier with data-driven reasoning. 

By automating the identity verification process, your security professionals can focus on managing escalations and physical security.

What about data privacy?

As you may already know, we take data privacy and GDPR very seriously here at Proxyclick.

ID Match is wholly GDPR-compliant as we only store the picture of the visitor and their first/last name. These pieces of information are parsed via something called OCR (Optical Character Recognition).

Nothing else is stored.

Additional security and compliance benefits

ID Match puts you in regulatory-compliant waters in the event of risk management and trade partnership programs such as C-TPAT (US), PIP (Canada) or AEO (Europe).

Furthermore, it protects you in the event of insurance-related incidents where you may have to produce evidence of stringent security measures.

To learn more about ID Match and its additional benefits, read more in our Help Center or contact us for a personal chat.

We'd love to see you join the ranks of companies doing all they can to secure their premises!