Thousands of security and hospitality professionals are logging into Proxyclick every day around the world to manage their visitors. Some of them operate extremely busy front desks with a never ending flow of visitors.
Receptions get crowded quickly if your Visitor Management Software is not fast enough
We have new releases every month (and we’ll keep updating you in this new section of our blog dedicated to Product News) but this release is especially close to our hearts because it will please our most active users: front desk operators.
We’ve carefully listened to their feedback and that’s why we’ve focused our efforts on highly demanded features such as instant visit details, text-to-visitor, and a full audit trail!
Your Proxyclick is now faster than ever, while being even more helpful and secure. Efficiency is the name of the game here, and that’s why we think you’ll love these improvements.
Instant visit details
Busy receptionists often need to quickly check certain info about a visitor. Because they do so while multi-tasking, or to simply update a tiny detail, we knew the previous flow was not cutting it. That’s why we’ve introduced a super fast fly-over that contains all the details you need, while still keeping a view on the entire dashboard.

It comes with two tabs: Details and Activity. The first one is quite self-explanatory and gives you all the relevant info for that visitor. The second, the “Activity” tab, gives access to 3 new or enhanced features: text-to-visitor, full audit trail, and easy messaging and attachment uploads.
Ever needed to tell a visitor he forgot his umbrella? Right until now, your only option was to chase him down the hall. Thankfully, that’s no longer the case. Now, you just have to send him a quick text message, right from the Dashboard. With this new feature, the warm welcome you’ve extended your visitors at the front desk no longer has to stop there. That’s going above and beyond!
A text is sent from the Dashboard...
... and received instantly by the visitor.
Exhaustive audit trail
Knowledge is security. What you don’t know, you can’t control. In the new visit details, you’ll see every change performed against that visitor’s records – that means both the new and previous values. Moreover, you will be able to see who made the change, when, and from which system.

Easy messaging and attachments
From that same “Activity” tab, you can now also quickly inform a colleague or add an attachment. This way, your team stays on the same page and can easily look back into the entire visit’s lifecycle. Even better, you can mention a colleague so he’ll be notified directly.
Manage your visitor address book in bulk
For faster check-in, you can allow your visitor’s name to appear on the kiosk after they start entering their first name. However, this feature can lead to unexpected scenarios where visitors sharing the same name virtually bump into each other. We know that some companies prefer to deactivate this option, for similar privacy reasons. Previously, this could be done on an individual visitor-basis. We have now introduced bulk management of the address book, so you can change these settings for all visitors at once.
We spent a lot of time listening to user feedback before developing these new features. We hope you’ll love them as much as we do. As always, your development ideas are more than welcome, we even have a dedicated forum for our users to share their ideas.
There are many updates to be expected in the next few months, both on the iPad and on the Dashboard, so stay tuned!